Choose your off-site wisely

Off-site is one of the favorite events to enable team building. As the name implies, the venue is not your regular work location which provides the much needed and deserved break from the monotonous or stress-ridden environment. Who doesn't like that? But off-sites can also be detrimental. I learned this lesson recently from a friend of mine.

The friend was looking forward to the off-site announced by his firm. The company was trying to shoot two birds with one stone. They were providing back to the community and also building the synergies between the various teams with the off-site. In order to accomplish this objective, the company took all of their employees on a mission to rebuild one of the recreational centers for young adults with special needs.

I don't know how off-sites work in your place. The friend turned up over-dressed and under-prepared for the day. When I met him at the end of the day, he was groaning from 8 hours of hard physical labor. He summed up the off-sites in the following words. " I work hard for 8 hours every day. How is this different? There is no fun. Moreover, I am in pain. My body is aching all over!"

I am afraid this off-site is going to have an adverse effect on the friend. He might resign! I wonder what he would cite the reason in his exit interview.

Tags: Musings, Off-site
